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Reporting Anti-Social Behaviour

30th August 2014 @ 6:06am – by Chester West & Chester Council
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Chester West and Chester Council has published new guidelines on reporting Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) and Noise Nuisance

Working in partnership with Cheshire Police, the Council has decommissioned the dedicated ASB line which, since the introduction of the national 101 number, had received significantly fewer calls.

The partnership arrangements with the Police allow chronic ASB issues that do not require an immediate response to be emailed directly to the Integrated Partnerships ASB units.
They can be contacted directly for information, advice and action via the following email address for Chester and Rural areas:

It should be noted that emails are not monitored 24 hours a day and the unit will aim to respond as soon as possible and at the very least within 48 hours.

If you need to report a crime or ASB that requires immediate attention, Cheshire Police should be contacted on 101 (999 in emergencies).

Complaints about noise nuisance should continue to be directed to CWaC unless the noise is linked to domestic violence, a dangerous dog, or a party where people are spilling out of premises into the public realm with the potential to cause public order when they should be reported to Cheshire police on 101.

Noise complaints continue to be managed by the Environmental Protection Team using thye 'golden number' 0300 123 8123 or the dedicated noise nuisance number 0300 123 7038. Noise can be reported from 8am to 7pm weekdays and outside of those hours will be directed to an out of hours service.

Complaints about dog litter should be reported using the 'golden number' as usual

Ed:" You would have thought that the powers that be could have provided a more memorable email address than ASBUnitChesterandRuralWest@cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk'

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