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A Chester Transport Strategy Proposal

10th March 2014 @ 6:06am – by Eric Plenderleath
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CW&C is, at present, considering its Chester Transport Strategy, and one of its proposals would be to make all rural bus routes terminate at a Park & Ride site instead of travelling into the city centre.

Both bus services 82 and 84 which serve the residents of Tarvin are included in the proposals.It would mean having to change buses on the outskirts of Chester, and continue into the City centre via another bus.

No doubt CW&C, in considering their strategy, will presumably look at the repercussions of such a proposal, and we hope they have considered:-

  • The increase in congestion at Park & Ride sites,and whether they can cope with the number of additional buses and passengers.
  • The situation, where a full bus from Tarvin (as often happens on the 9.54 a.m.), disgorges its occupants to immediately fill another bus.
  • The number of passengers to be transported to and from the City, at a time when Park & Ride may be overflowing with either tourists during the summer, or Christmas shoppers.
  • The need to re site the picking up point for Park & Ride buses leaving the city centre, as present facilities would become inoperable.
  • The inadequate shelter for passengers at both Park & Ride sites and at bus stops in the City, during inclement weather.
  • Opening times of the Park & Ride sites.

I am certain there are other reasons why CW&C in its wisdom should reconsider what appears to be a ludicrous proposal.
Ed: Lets have your comments at editor@tarvinonline.org

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