St Andrew's Parish Church and Duddon St Peter's
01829740354 or text 07368335146
Vicar:Rev. Adam Friend
Tarvin St Andrews Parish Churchis a C of E Church in the heart of Tarvin village.As well as regular Sunday Services they also have other activities.
Please click onto our ' Church near you ' website or check out our A frame outside church.
Duddon St Peters
is linked with Tarvin St Andrews, situated in nearby to Duddon School on the A51.
Regular Sunday Services:
Tarvin St Andrews.
8am Every Sunday BCP Communion
10.45am Morning Worship(Holy Communion is on 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month)
St Peter's, Duddon
9.30am Morning Worship (1st and 3rd Holy Communion)
Regular Events:
St Andrew's Messy Church 2nd Sunday at 9.15am,
Breakfast until 9.30am then a story, song and activity.
Please email or text me your mobile number to join the closed WhatsApp group for Messy Church for all notifications.
St Andrew's Women's Group
A social group, there is a guest speaker and do the occasional trip. Refreshments, friendship and fun
Weekly Events @ Tarvin St Andrews:
Toddlers Group:Mondays – 11am – 12pm
Takes place in the Parish Room (Next to St Andrews Church) term time only
Morning Prayer:Wednesdays 9.15am
Coffee Morning:Wednesdays10am – 11.30am
Bell Ringing Practice:Thursdays 7pm
Choir Practice:Friday – 6.30pm .
Weekly Events @ St Peter's
Treetots toddler group:Tuesdays – 9.15am – 10am in St Peter's Church,
Coffee Morning:Thursday's 10.30am -11.30am (School Term Time Only)
See the Events page on our Website for what's going on
Tarvin St Andrews in the Newsroom:
History of the Organ in St Andrew's
Repair to St Andrew's Church Bells
Restoration work at St Andrew's
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