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1st Tarvin Cubs – Another Successful Year

26th July 2015 @ 6:06am – by Jo Richards (GSL for Tarvin)
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It's been another great year for 1st Tarvin Cubs and our children have enjoyed some amazing experiences.The Cubs have learned about cycle safety, road safety, personal safety and home safety; they've made compasses, hot air balloons and wind powered models, been on visits and had visitors, worked in the community, attended parades and raised funds.

We began the year in September with one of several visits to the woodland, where we identified various seeds and plants. We also planted a lot of bulbs to improve the environment in and out the village and we worked with the Beavers to maintain the Millennium Garden.

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October was a busy month. We took part in JOTA (Jamboree on the air) and were able to speak to Cubs and Scouts from all over the world, as well as using technology to make music with vegetables and doing some 3D printing. We also enjoyed a fascinating visit to the Museum of Science of Technology in Manchester and rounded off the month with a spectacular Halloween Party.

By November, the nights were too dark for many outside activities but we took advantage of the night skies to study the heavens and our Cubs gained their Astronomy Awards. Working inside our scout building, we also made the compasses, hot air balloons and wind powered models. We held a Barn Dance as well to help raise money for new floors in both sides of the building.

In December we were planning for Christmas. We made Christmas cookies, cards and table decorations. We had a stall at the Christmas Street Market and made £134 selling toys and games and we donated all that was left over to Save the Family.

January and February were cold months but, snug and warm inside the scout building, the Cubs learned about healthy eating and a balanced diet; then cooked a meal for the whole Pack. They also built bridges, learned their knots and made a model of the solar system. We held a very successful crab football tournament, studied ordinance survey maps, held a treasure hunt and painted one of the walls inside our building.

March proved to be very exciting. The scout building was closed for a week while new floors were laid, repairs were carried out and the building was decorated. During the month, the Cubs made two visits: to the mosque at Clifton Drive in Blacon and to Chester Cathedral. They also visited St Andrew's church and thoroughly enjoyed climbing up the bell tower. We also had a visit from RNLI and the Cubs learned all about their valuable work.

The summer term and light nights enabled us to enjoy some outdoor activities. At Broomheath the Cubs lit fires and did backwoods cooking and, on another evening, we took them bell boating on the River Dee. They made kites and flew them on the playing field.
In a sports evening they all gained their Athletics Award and, on another visit to the woodland, gained their Naturalist Award. 1st Tarvin took part in the St George's Day Parade through Chester and paraded again for County Scout Sunday in June.

We were there for the Village Fete where we were proud to take part in the procession through the village. We also had six stalls at the Fete where we raised over £350 to buy much needed equipment.

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Our local PCSO, Debbie came to visit us and the Cubs were able to dress up in helmets and protective vests. Then we finished the year with a games and barbecue evening which we shared with Beavers before closing for the summer break.

Cubs will be back in September with more exciting activities. If you would like to join us, contact Jo at jinks1107@aol.com

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