After over a year on Zoom, 1st Tarvin Cubs finally returned to more usual Scouting activities last Monday -- outdoors and a little bit noisier. We almost missed the "mute all" button...In a trial event in the Woodland under the restrictions in place due to COVID, the Cub Scouts enjoyed an socially distanced activities including an obstacle course, foot golf and a blindfold trail.Further similar outdoor activities are planned in and around Tarvin for the remainder of the term.More news to follow soon on the activities of our Beavers and Scouts.We are also beginning to looking ahead to the summer of 2022 and the year of preparation (and fun) we'll have running up to Cheshire County's Scout Camp Chamboree. More details at
Yours in Scouting
Akela, 1st Tarvin Cub Scouts
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