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2015 Appeal to Local Businesses

3rd January 2015 @ 6:06am – by Tarvin Webteam
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One way that Tarvin will continue to thrive is if it retains a variety of shops, pubs, restaurants and trades/services which are supported by local people and visitors.
Millions of pounds come into Tarvin every year, most of it earned outside the village and if more of that money is spent in the village the more prosperous the village would become.

So how do we encourage you to buy locally?

Well, if you do not know what is already on the High Street, or what services local businesses provide, then our Directory provides the reader with contact details, hours of opening, and the services you provide. We can also provide the opportunity for you to advertise "special offers" or "special events" that provide a "perceived benefit" to your customers, just keep us informed by email at editor@tarvinonline.org and if the event is a success tell us about it too!

If you are not in our Directory then why not? It is Free!

Tarvinonline is the perfect platform to advertise your shop, business, trade or service to over 4000 visitors who visit our site and Facebook every month.

So Business Community let's hear from you, and in return we will do all we can to promote Tarvin Village Shops and Businesses

Contact us now by email editor@tarvinonline.org or via our Facebook pages

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