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Activity during Lockdown

28th April 2021 @ 6:06am – by Doreen de Cani
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What did you do during lockdown Grandma?

The knit and natter group at Tarvin Methodist Church have a long history of supporting charities and hospitals with donations of knitted blankets and other goods.

During lockdown this has escalated . A request from Arrowe Park Neo Natal Unit for ventilator bonnets spurred the ladies into action. Further requests for blankets, baby clothes , feeding bottle covers and craft items were quickly met and vast quantities of these items have been handed onto the unit via our contact with a member of staff who lives in Tarvin.

The number of knitters grew with offers of help from ladies in Kelsall, Tarporley and Ashton, all anxious to do something positive and worthwhile during lockdown. Donations of yarn have been very welcome . With social distancing maintained , the collection and delivery of all the finished goods has been possible and kept us all in touch . All of these ladies are of a certain age with 2 of them in their mid 90s. Doing this has given the group a purpose, a feeling of being useful and of helping a cause in need.

A small selection of the knitted items can be seen in the attached photos.

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