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Anyone for Ping Pong?

5th July 2019 @ 6:06am – by Tarvin Community Centre
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The Community Centre has been made aware of an initiative by Sports England and the Table Tennis Association to offer subsidised packages of equipment and support to get more people playing the game.

Here's quote from their publicity

"Ping! England has teamed up with Sport England and various equipment suppliers to offer superb table tennis packages which include everything you need to kick start the game in your community building; with folding table, bats, balls, resources and more to help you get started. Ping! will help you to advertise and activate table tennis in your community as well as giving you advice to help you along your journey – whether that's through social play sessions or adding some coaching or informal competition to your sessions.

Table tennis is a truly inclusive sport, anyone can play irrespective of age, physical ability or gender. As little as 10 minutes of table tennis can offer many health benefits and it's easy on the body--you can play within your own capabilities and limitations and still have a great competitive game. It's sociable and good fun and it can also be great for the brain by helping with complex thinking as well as reducing levels of stress and depression."

Go to www.pingengland.co.ukfor more information

Vice Chair Sue Hardacre said "There are a number of Committee members who would be delighted to bring this game to the Community Centre. To date it has been the storage of the tables that has made us hesitate, but we think that with a bit of judicial shuffling about in the shed, we could accommodate a couple of tables. But we need to know if there would be sufficient demand locally before we take this further and commit resources."

Please let any Committee member know your views especially if the prospect of this gentle, entertaining and sociable activity appeals to you. Call 01829 741962 or email bookings@tarvincommunitycentre.org

Perhaps Tarvin can have a Ping Pong Parlour – yes, they do exist!

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