Tarvin Community Woodland Trust
Coffee Morning and Apple Pressing event – With TCM Pancakes.
Tarvin Methodist Church
Saturday, 19th October 2024, 10am to 12 Noon.
Regretfully, the Apple Pressing festival cannot take place in the woodland this year. All of the rain which has fallen in the past weeks has left the grassed area behind Crossfields resembling a very soggy sponge. We would not be able to run the Apple Pressing Day without doing significant damage to the woodland area involved.
The Trustees spent a long time discussing whether various modifications or adjustments might make it possible, but we came to the conclusion that, whatever we do, Mother Nature has the upper hand on this occasion and the only sensible course of action would be to cancel for this year.
However, we have come up with a Plan B.... Saturday, 19th October is the occasion for the Woodland Autumn Coffee Morning. In addition to the usual coffees and teas with pieces of cake, the raffle and all of the chats with villagers about how the woodland is developing, why not do some apple pressing on the Chapel front during the morning? It would have neither the scale nor the duration of the cancelled event, but it would give some youngsters an opportunity to do some apple pressing and turn their own apples into wonderful juice.
As you will know, if you have enjoyed the apple pressing day before, Tarvin Christmas Market have Joined us at the apple pressing event with their very popular pancake / crepe stall. This helps them to raise funds for the Christmas market (funds needed for Marquees, Generators, road closure and insurance among other things). As the apple pressing day would normally be an opportunity to do this, cancelling the festival means that they don't have that opportunity. So, the Tarvin Christmas Market team will be having a pop-up pancake stall at the event on the 19th
Bring your apples and turn them into juice and come and get your fix of Tarvin Christmas Market pancakes!
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