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The Armistice Centenary Commemoration

15th November 2018 @ 6:06am – by Jo Richards
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Here are some pictures of St Andrews Church as it prepared for and commemorated the Armistice Centenery.

The Exhibition of WW1 memorabilia was so successful that we extended the opening times to include all those who were unable to view it during last week. Many thanks to all those who contributed and also shared their precious memories with us, and to Jane Holmes and Peter Collins who put the exhibition together, to Sandra Turner for providing the refreshments and to those who made the cakes for the refreshments.

In both St Andrews and Tarvin Methodist Churches and in Brownies, Beavers, Cubs and Scouts, a great many people spent a great many hours making the numerous poppies which adorned, not only the churches but also the shops in the High Street and the gates of Tarvin Hall. We owe a debt of gratitude for all that effort and to the shops who decorated their windows and to both the Parish Council and Councillors Hugo Deynem and John Leather for donating the 165 ceramic poppies which formed an avenue to the doors of St Andrews.

Willing volunteers carefully cleaned the war memorial and the surrounding area in readiness for the Service and decorated the war memorial itself. Bill Turner made a special trough to house all the additional crosses which were laid this year and his wife, Sandra made a truly lovely banner to commemorate our WW1 war heroes.

Our thanks go to the Community Centre for hosting the Peace Concert on Saturday evening and especially to Sue Hardacre for comparing and Alan Wilkinson for doing the lighting as well as the Silver Singers and Tarvin Primary School Choir who gave up their evening to sing for us.

We would also like to thank the teaching staff at Tarvin primary school who, after working all week and doing a sleepover on Friday night, also gave up their Saturday evening and Sunday morning to supervise the children who took part in our commemoration.

Our Final thanks must go to the vicar of St Andrews, Adam Friend, who organised and led the group who planned our commemoration, wrote the Armistice service and the Peace Lunch, and also sang for us at the Peace Concert.

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