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Ash-Worth Time Bank – Back from the Brink

19th May 2016 @ 6:06am – by Sue Hardacre
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On March 9th., I reported that the Ash-Worth Time Bank was facing a financial crisis and was facing the stark prospect of having to close. I am delighted to be able to report that they have turned the corner and are looking forwards now to the future.

The full report from the Chairman is availablehere, but the main points are:

The organisation has been restructured and operating costs have been trimmed.

New grant bids have been submitted

Over £7000 has been pledged by individuals

New trustees have been appointed

There are about 70 people in Tarvin actively involved with Ash-Worth Time Bank, and they run a very successful Tai Chi class in the Community Centre every week on a Tuesday at 1.30pm. As a regular attender of Tai Chi I am delighted that they seem to have weathered the storm and I hope that we hear more about their activities in the next few months.

All organisations that rely on volunteers face challenges at the moment. The pressures on younger people from work and family life, the rising retirement age and the aging population seem to be creating a perfect storm, so it is great to know that some organisations are still able to meet the challenge.

For more information go to www.ash-worthtimebank.org.uk

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