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Ashton Hayes and Tarvin Flower Club Christmas Meeting

14th November 2023 @ 6:06am – by Margaret Dixon
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There was a real buzz in the hall of the Community Centre on Wednesday evening as we awaited the demonstration. The stalls around the room were bright and colourful, we had drunk our Buck's Fizz and were ready to watch Sionedd Hughes with her title Let the Bells Ring Out

Her humour was as infectious as ever and we were soon all laughing at her tales of Christmas from her own and her children's childhood. Nativity was depicted with an all round design with foliage, white spray roses and beautiful white amaryllis in the centre, Design 2 was a festive fireplace in green and red with a jolly robin sitting by.

Sionedd represented the night sky in winter with a double display containing cream anthuriums and yellow gerbera. Winter wonderland followed. This was a design without floral foam. Sisal cones coloured white and green were Arranged on a board to look like trees. Grasses and flowers were then placed in test tubes and the finished arrange she placed in front of a white tree.

A lovely basketry bell was used at the side of design 5 which had autumnal shades of roses, chrysanthemums and tulips which added to the bell theme. For her final design Sionedd chose a large gold coloured bowl into which she put chicken wire. There were palms with much mixed foliage in green and red and finally flowers. I don't know who won this one in the raffle but it must have been difficult to transport home.

A lovely evening was finished with Christmas refreshments which were excellent.

We do not meet in December or January so our next meeting will be our A.G.M. on February 8th 2024. The meeting will be as quick as possible and will be followed by some imposed designs by our own members.

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