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Ashton Hayes and Tarvin Flower Club – July Meeting Report

19th July 2018 @ 6:06am – by Margaret Dixon
Back home  »  News  »  Ashton Hayes and Tarvin Flower ClubMargaret Dixon
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Despite a football match on Wednesday, 11th July, evening our A.G.M. attracted 26 ladies.The business part of the meeting was chaired by Merryn Shaw and lasted 30 minutes. Apart from needing a new Treasurer the committee remains the same. Finances will require that we do some fund-raising even with the majority of the meeting being in favour of a £1 increase to each meeting attended. Merryn thanked the committee for their efforts and Joyce Dulhorey thanked Merryn for all she does for the club.

We were seated at tables in groups of 6 and each table was given a vase of herbs and a picture sheet of flowers to identify. Good fun and a test of memories and spelling. The photograph top right shows the winning team.

Strawberries and cream were appreciated with our cup of tea/coffee. Mary Munro from Tattenhall was then introduced and demonstrated making paper roses from sheet music. She has recently had a house to clear for an elderly relative which contained rather a lot of sheet music so she found this use for it. Several members then had a go themselves and enjoyed the challenge.

We do not meet in August so our next meeting will be on 12th September when Donald Morgan demonstrates with the title "Colour Our World"

Thanks to June Pughe for the photographs.

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