There is no flower club meeting in August. Tarvinonline has already published our new programme which runs from Sept 2017 to July 2018.
On Sept 13th we welcome Jean Hopkins from Apple Tree Flowers which is based in Broxton. It will be interesting to see what we can obtain locally without having to use supermarket imports or the Dutchman lorries.
We are again collecting for Skycycle so please save clothing or household goods you are throwing away and take to Merryn or Joyce. It is surprising how quickly the kgs add up to provide much needed income to keep our club running.
The Tarvin Gardening Society are holding their annual Horticulture Show on August 19th. Come along flower arrangers and enter 1 or more of the 8 classes. There is a class for a planted arrangement or you can enter a miniature design (10 cm) or a petite design (23cm). Other titles for the classes include Goldfish bowl, Patchwork or an exhibit of foliage. There are 2 classes entitled Treasure chest, one is for anyone under 16 and the other is the novice class for anyone who has not previously won at this event. It would be great to see more entries.
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