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Ashton Hayes and Tarvin Flower Club -September Meeting

20th September 2016 @ 6:06am – by Margaret Dixon
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The 1st meeting of our new season went well. It was better attended than some September meetings so we hope that bodes well for future meetings.

Our demonstrator, Cynthia Preston-Jones, was from Shropshire where she has not only had a successful teaching career but also had a flower shop as well as demonstrating. Her title was "Written in the Stars"

Design 1 depicted stars in the sky. She chose white flowers to show the oldest stars and informed us she has named her dog Star but in Welsh. The whole demonstration came to her on hearing the song "You are my lucky star" which she played for us and even sang.

Cynthia's next star was "Starlight Express", the musical. For this she did an attractive design in orange shades showing Rusty the Engine from the show and again playing some music.

Starry starry night was her next song and of course had flowers represented Vincent van Gogh. Sunflowers, purple iris and pale blue delphiniums were her choice of flowers.

For design 4 she moved to horoscope stars and represented Leo, again in orange shades and her music was from The Lion King.

The final arrangement was called Seeing Stars, referring to famous people. She told us of being seen on T.V. cameras at the Mistletoe Festival which takes place annually in Tenbury Wells. Her music told us how to become famous and was "Razzle- Dazzle" from Chicago.

A well thought out demonstration with beautiful flowers.

Our October meeting will have Lynn Picken with "Strictly Flowers". It is on Wednesday October 12th in the Edna Rose room at the Community Centre at 7-30pm. Please come along. Visitors are made very welcome.

Ed: Click on the photographs to enlarge them

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