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Ashton Hayes & Tarvin Flower club

12th May 2024 @ 7:07am – by Margaret Dixon
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From Tarvin and Ashton Hayes flower club ....

May meeting of Ashton Hayes and Tarvin Flower Club.

This month's meeting was celebratory as we had one of our own members demonstrating and we were celebrating the 90th birthday this month of a club member She has been attending for 26 years and on the committee for many of those years and has been our chairman too. She was presented with a floral planter which will give pleasure all year.

The Edna Rose room was transformed with small tables with beautiful cloths and a posy of flowers which matched the chairs in the room. The evening started with a glass of Buck's Fizz which was certainly enjoyed by Sharon our demonstrator as a change from the usual glass of water.

We also welcomed one of our area officials who came to join us. She enjoyed winning the pink design in the raffle.

The title of the evening was Time for Tea. Sharon has collected large cups and saucers and each flower design was in a teacup. The foliage in her garden is well known and was well used in all the designs. Despite each design being arranged in a cup they were all very different shapes and colours.

Design 1 was an all round arrangement with rhododendrons, fine twigs and grasses. Sharon chose shades of purple for her flowers and had delphiniums. miniature tulips and Michaelmas daisies.

The 2nd design was in a grey cup balanced on a wire chair. Her colour choice was yellow so her foliage included yellow varieties and looked good with yellow roses and spray carnations.

A horizontal design came next with variegated fatsia to show off the beautiful white chrysanthemums.

The final design was quite a wow. It was designed in a black cup which stood on a tripod. The flower were all pinks and purples with enormous pink peonies to give an extravagant look.

Sharon finished off by producing several containers of flowers from her garden as extra raffle prizes.

A 90th birthday cake made by another member along with small cakes from our chairman were enjoyed with our tea/ coffee.

The next meeting, on June 12th, is a garden visit. If you haven't put you name down, and want to join us, please contact Merryn.

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