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Ashton Hayes & Tarvin Flower Club Needs Your Help

20th September 2016 @ 6:06am – by Margaret Dixon
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flower club may 2016 2

The Ashton Hayes and Tarvin flower club has entertained and educated many in this village for decades. We are, however, struggling to continue as flower prices increase and membership decreases. We have been fortunate to receive donations from the Co-op in recent years but that has now ceased.

To overcome the resulting funding gap, we are trying to make money from the things people no longer want. A company called "Skycycle" aims to prevent items going to Landfill and also donates to a breast cancer charity.
They will take items which are in GOOD ORDER and will accept: clothes (including children's),shoes, belts, bed linen,towels, computer monitors,mobile phones, handbags, toys, SMALL pieces of furniture, cookware,
crockery, cutlery, unwanted gifts e.g. perfumes, soap candles, jewellery and small ornaments. They do not want curtains, duvets, pillows, quilts with filling, CD's, books or large furniture.

The collection points are with Merryn at Meadow Way, Cross Lanes, Oscroft (740832), or Joyce, 10 Tarporley Road, Tarvin (740855) In both cases if no one in leave items by garage. If you have difficulty taking your items they can be collected by calling either number.

Please help to support a long-running club which gives pleasure to people who would not be able to travel from the village for a flower club.

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