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Attempted distraction burglary in Tarvin

21st April 2018 @ 6:06am – by Tarvin Webteam
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From a concerned Tarvin Resident

At 4.30pm today a man came to the front door, claiming to be from British Gas, saying there was a problem with dirty water supplies and could I run the taps for 15 minutes.

Whilst I went to run the taps, he entered our house. I pushed him out, as he had no ID, was not wearing work clothes and I smelled a rat. He ran off, saying he would get his ID. I followed him, but he ran off into Tarvin village.

I did notice a white van with around 4 other men, who were running up Tarvin's Tarporley Road, possibly seeking other victims.

I am concerned as there are many vulnerable elderly people living in that direction. However, I cannot get through to 101 and was told not to ring 999 as it is not a life or death matter. Unfortunately, if the police could have got here quickly, they might have caught the suspicious men. The man at our door was young, around 18-21, blondish/ginger hair, with a checked shirt and a thick Irish accent.

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