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The auction for a willow obelisk plant support.

16th June 2020 @ 6:06am – by Charles Bradley
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martin lloyd with obelisk jpg

On 26th May, TarvinOnLine carried an item about a postal auction as a part of Tarvin Community Woodland Trust's plant sale. Tarvin's talented willow artist, Caroline Gregson had made and donated a fine plant obelisk to be auctioned as a part of the woodland's plant sale fundraising. The photograph really does not do it justice!

We arranged that sealed bids would be submitted and that these would then remain unopened until 1.00pm on Friday, 12th June. At that point, the person submitting the highest bid would be telephoned and the obelisk exchanged for their contribution to woodland funds. Everyone else would be notified through TarvinOnLine – the original means of communication.

The opening of the sealed bids was undertaken by two of the woodland Trustees – Martin Lloyd and Charles Bradley – and the level of interest was sufficiently high for the average of all the bids received to be well over £30! In the event, the successful bid of £55 came from one of the members of the Trust, who was thrilled with the outcome. This marks the conclusion of this year's version of our Plant Sale, which has, in difficult circumstances, succeeded in achieving an total which is not far short of those of more "normal" years, when the conditions would be infinitely easier.

Our very grateful thanks go to TarvinOnLine, for enabling the auction of the obelisk to take place at all. And, all in all, Plant Sale 2020 surely goes down as a marvellous achievement! Well done, everyone. Thank you all.

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