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Bargains Galore

23rd January 2018 @ 6:06am – by Tarvin Community Centre
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If Christmas is a time of plenty, then it is also true that spring is time for a good clear out! Tarvin Community Centre is delighted to be able to help both those people who need to create a little space, and those who just love a bargain.

table top

On Sunday February 11th there will be a Table Top Sales in the Main Hall. It will be open to the public from 10.00 am and will finish at 1.00pm. Tables will cost £10 and must be booked – and paid for – before the date. Call Lyn on 01829 470707 (Note the number is NOT the usual 74 number!) or you can email her on social@tarvincommunitycentre.org.

Stall holders will be able to set up from 9.00 am and they are also responsible for clearing away any unsold goods afterwards. Refreshments will be available. Alan Wilkinson said "There is no doubt that, as children grow they leave behind a wealth of toys, clothes and equipment that still have lots of value. Also, older people who have been in the same house for a while simply accumulate things they no longer have a use for. Or perhaps you have moved recently and now know what will fit and what won't. To all these people we say, come and sell to people who may be looking for a bargain, make a little profit and support the Community Centre as well."

This type of event used to be a common one at the Community Centre some years ago. If it is a success then similar ones may become a regular feature throughout the year.

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