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Barn Dance in aid of the Scout Building

28th November 2014 @ 6:06am – by Tarvin Webteam
Back home  »  News  »  Barn Dance in aid of Scout Building
flaxmere band

This Saturday night Tarvin Community Centre is holding a Barn Dance to help raise funds for the new floors so desperately needed at Tarvin's Scout Building.

They have hired an experienced band in The Flaxmere Ceilidh Band who are based in Cheshire and who will pull out all the stops to provide you with an evening to remember.

In fact Flaxmere go out of their way to explain on their website that "Ceilidhs and barn dances are fun and an excellent way of providing our guests with a good night's entertainment. They allow you to simply relax, sit and talk and enjoy the atmosphere or to be "up" for every dance. We will always ensure that the number of dances matches the "fitness" of the dancers and fill in with appropriate background music."

If that is not enough of a temptation, the entry price of £10 includes a buffet supper!
Tickets available from either Tarvin Post Office or you can pay on the door.

Ed: "So come on Tarvin it is a great night for all the family and will help to raise funds for the Scout building"

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