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Briscoe's Milkman saves the day!

27th January 2020 @ 6:06am – by Tarvin Webteam
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Well done to Briscoe's milkman, Rob, for going that extra mile to ensure that a mother and her young son got home safely.

"Good morning,

This morning at around 1:50 my wife had a tyre blow out on an unlit section of the A51 near Tarporley. She had been travelling back from the airport with our 18 month old baby when it happened and was stood at the side of the road with our son when your driver passed, He stopped asked what the problem was and parked behind her with his flashing hazard beacon on while he kindly changed her wheel for her, then also helped her get her car started again after the battery had gone flat due to hazard lights being on. She had been stuck there for over an hour and many other vehicles passed without stopping, the kindness didn't stop there he also gave my son a pint of milk as he was overdue a feed and was very restless, we didn't manage to get the gentleman's name all we have is his registration number off our dashcam could you please thank your driver on our behalf.

Many many thanks"

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