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Bus Interchange Consultation

15th October 2014 @ 6:06am – by CWaC
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Cheshire West and Chester Council is planning to relocate the Chester Bus Station to a new location at Gorse Stacks to make way for a major retail-led development in the Northgate area of Chester City Centre.

Gorse Stacks was endorsed as the Council's preferred location in February 2014 and a design concept for the new Bus Station was approved in July 2014. Work is now underway to progress the detailed design of the new facility.

Initial consultation about the new bus station was carried out in early summer 2014 involving local businesses, bus operators, disability groups and residents. Feedback from this has helped to inform the plans for the next stage of the design process.

We are keen now to understand people's views about the new bus station, the facilities it should offer and how we can ensure it is accessible for everyone. Your feedback will help us to design a bus station that meets the needs of bus users, residents and visitors alike.

Sharing your views
The consultation period will end on Sunday 26 October 2014. There are a range of ways to express your views. Please note that if you are aged under 16 you will need permission of a responsible adult, such as a parent, guardian or teacher to take part.

Click here for more information and to comment on the consultation

Editor" Clearly this move to Gorse Stacks will have an effect on Tarvin residents using the buses to go to Chester, make sure your views are known to CWaC"

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