There has been a lot of talk in the parish recently about a proposal in the new CW&C Transport Strategy that implied that rural buses might finish at the Park and Ride terminal. Not surprisingly this has caused a host of complaints from Tarvin bus users and the matter was raised at the recent Parish Council meeting.
Borough Councillor Deynam was quick to reassure the Council that this proposal, suggested by the consultants as a possible means of reducing pollution in Chester, was most unlikely to be turned into a reality in the foreseeable future. Like many of the people at the meeting, he could see many difficulties in ever implementing such a change. The Parish Council was pleased to hear this but agreed to write to CW&C and ensure that their objections to such a plan were noted formally.
There is, of course, nothing wrong to aim for less pollution in Chester, which can damage both human health and degrade buildings. It is perhaps possible to imagine a fully integrated transport system where rural buses terminate, not in a draughty car park, but in a covered hub where a rapid, frequent and non-polluting transit system whisks passengers on a loop in and around the city, maybe taking in the Station, Hospital and John Lewis as well.
Imagination is a wonderful thing and it is just possible that one day the Parish Council may be asked to comment on such a wonderful plan. But until that day arises the Parish Council, like most of the population of Tarvin, just want the buses to continue to take them straight into town.
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