"I noticed that finally, in the last 2 days, the Council grass cutters have returned to the village. Well, I wish they had stayed away.
Street Care -- ha! -- returned with their mowers and seem to have been having a party on the mowers. I have never seen such a disgraceful state! For some reason they left quite a gap before their return to cut the grass. It has already been cut once since lockdown so they can't blame Covid for the gap, or the weather. I wondered if they had been leaving the verges as wildlife havens but it appears not.
The grass has not been cut so much as torn/hacked. Huge piles of grass have been left strewn all over the verges which are reminiscent of ploughed fields. They also seem to have been so offended by many areas, as they have decided not to cut clumps of grass, leaving them to carry on growing, all over the place. Other areas that they normally cut, have been left altogether.
It looks like a gang mower has run amuck, out of control, through the village. It's disgraceful. If one paid a gardener and they produced work to that standard, they wouldn't get paid, so why should our taxes be wasted on such disgraceful workmanship. Do they PC condone this standard of workmanship "
Ed: This was written by a Tarvin resident and no doubt says what many others are thinking.
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