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10th April 2019 @ 6:06am – by Tarvin Webteam
Back home  »  News  »  CALLING ALL DOG WALKERS
dogs and summerheat

There are many dog walkers in Tarvin and Oscroft, and we know you speak to one another.
Here at Tarvinonline we are looking for dog walkers to send us a regular email telling us about your experiences, the things you see or hear as you walk around the parish.
It can be as short or long as you want it to be, and can cover anything or everything you experience – the weather, the state of the pavements, the length of the grass, inconsiderate (or considerate!) drivers, parking, litter, beautiful gardens, flowers and shrubs in bloom which brighten your day....

It shouldn't take too long to jot a few things down, and it will definitely be of interest to other residents. If there are any important issues raised then it is hoped that the Parish Council will pick them up and deal with them

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