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Calling all Youngsters on School Holiday!

10th August 2022 @ 6:06am – by Charles Bradley
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gardening show 15a

Are you bored already? Fed up with having nothing to do during these exceptionally hot days? Why not get your creative juices flowing and sort out some entries for the Horticultural Show next Saturday? Not only can it be great fun but all entries are free and your efforts might earn some pocket money for you – winners in each class will receive £5, second place gets £3 and third prize £1!

There are five different classes that you could enter and, to make the competition fairer, each class has two sections – one for people who are aged 5 to 9 years and another for those who are aged 10 to 15 years. It also goes without saying that, to make the competition fair, your entries should be all your own work – there are lots of other classes that Mum, Dad, Granny, Uncle Cecil or Auntie Ermintrude can enter for themselves!

The first class is for the flower arrangers with delicate fingers – it is for a Flower Arrangement in an Egg Cup. They don't have to be posh flowers, or to be arranged in a posh egg cup – the winner will have an arrangement which is both beautiful and well put together. You can practice as much as you like, as long as you have your final effort ready to be set up in the Community Centre next Saturday morning!

The second class is for a Garden on a Dinner plate. It should have real (but probably quite small) plants and can include other things (or models of things) that you might find in a garden. The third class is for a Picture of British Wild Life in your garden. This can take any form you like – it could involve you in painting, drawing, doing a collage or producing a photograph.

Next, there is the Young Gardeners Class., in which you are asked to make a model of a creature or animal (which might be real or completely fantastical) that is made only from fruit,
vegetables and/or flowers. This gives you the opportunity to be as creative and imaginative as you like!

The final class is for 4 Decorated Gingerbread people. The judge will be looking for really good gingerbread that is decorated as excellently and as imaginatively as you can. Can you produce a gingerbread family, or a 4-a-side football team, or some other group that only you can think of? Remember, though, that, in the show, all cakes, pies and biscuits must be covered with cling film, a plastic bag, or similar, for hygiene reasons.

If you would like to enter, you can get a schedule and entry form by emailing tgs.show.2022@btinternet.com, from Tarvin Post Office or from the Show Secretary, who is Ian Levitt of 2, Field Close, Tarvin, CH3 8DL. Your entry form must reach Ian by 5pm next Friday 12th August AT THE LATEST and you can set up your exhibits between 8.30am and 11am on Saturday morning, 13th August. You can find out how successful you have been when the show opens after 2pm and, as long as you are with your parent or guardian, you can get in completely free!

Have a go – you cannot know how successful you can be unless you try.

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