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Cashback fund open county-wide for Christmas

22nd December 2022 @ 6:06am – by Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner
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Cashback fund open county-wide for Christmas

John Dwyer, the Police and Crime Commissioner is encouraging local community groups, businesses and members of the police family across Cheshire to apply to the Community Cashback Fund over the Christmas period.

Taken from money seized under the Proceeds of Crime Act (POCA), each of Cheshire's nine Local Policing Units (LPUs) has been allocated £10,000 from the fund. The aim is for local residents and businesses to work with their neighbourhood policing teams on projects to improve their community.

'Not for profit' organisations such as charities, 'friends of' groups, neighbourhood groups, social enterprises and community groups are encouraged to apply. Local businesses and Parish Councils can also apply to the fund, as well as local policing teams themselves.

The fund is open now and will close at 9am on Friday 27 January 2023.

John Dwyer, said:
"I'm delighted to be able to support Cheshire's communities with funding that has been seized from the ill-gotten gains of criminals. This money should be used to fund community improvements, not criminal lifestyles. Through the Community Cashback Fund, local people will be able to work hand-in-hand with their policing team to improve their area. This is all about working together to make Cheshire even safer so if you've got an idea for a project that will make a real difference, I want to hear from you."

Applications will be considered by a panel including representatives from the local community, which will decide which projects to fund.

All applications must meet the criteria and support one of the six aims of the Police and Crime Plan. These are:

* Prevent and tackle crime
* Make Cheshire's roads safer
* Deliver justice for victims of crime
* Protect vulnerable and at-risk people
* Improve public confidence in policing
* Modernise our police service

For information about the criteria, frequently asked questions and how to apply,Click here
Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner
01606 364000

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