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Change of Date For January Film Night

10th January 2015 @ 6:06am – by Tarvin Community Centre
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penguins of madagascarmr turner

The showing of Frozen Sing-A-long before Christmas once again proved just how popular Friday Film Night is to the residents of our local community. It is important, therefore, that we take this earliest opportunity to let know that the date for the next film night is Friday 23rd January and NOT the 30th January as has appeared in some of the early publicity. The committee apologise for any inconvenience caused by a misunderstanding between ourselves and our supplier as a result of the fact that January 2015 is a five Friday month compared with the usual four Fridays per month. The films remain unchanged with the Penguins of Madagascar at 6 pm and Mr Turner at 8 pm.

The Sunday film matinees have not proved as successful as we had hoped. Due to lack of demand, and an inability at this time to obtain films every month, there will be no more Sunday film matinees for the foreseeable future at Tarvin Community Centre. The decision will be reviewed in the autumn and may be reversed if in the meantime we receive sufficient feedback to suggest a large enough audience for film matinees during the darker winter months.

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