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Check your smoke alarms

12th October 2014 @ 6:06am – by Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service
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Change your clocks and check your smoke alarms


Cheshire residents are being urged to check their smoke alarms as they prepare to turn the clocks back.

change clocks

The clocks go back at 2.00am on Sunday 26 October and as summer time officially ends, Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service is asking people to prepare for the autumn and winter by checking their smoke alarms.

Smoke alarms

Smoke alarms have been responsible for detecting many of the 60,000 house fires the Fire and Rescue Services are called out to each year, but many of the hundreds of deaths that occur each year could be avoided if you look after your smoke alarm.

Recently there has been a 30% increase in cases where a smoke alarm didn't work because the battery was disconnected, missing or needed replacing.

Smoke alarms are cheap, at less than £5, and available in DIY stores and at many supermarkets. Always make sure that they meet the British Standard 5446 Part 1, have a 'KITEMARK' and that they are fitted in accordance with the instructions provided.

Alternatively Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service will conduct a free Home Fire Safety Assessment (HSA) including the fitting of free smoke alarms.

Book a home safety check

How Do I Look After My Smoke Alarm?

1. Once a year – Change your battery
2. Once a month – Check the alarm by pressing the button
3. Once a year – Vacuum and wipe the smoke alarm casing to ensure dust isn't blocking the sensor chamber. For mains wired alarms, switch off first
4. Whatever happens – never remove the battery to use it for other purposes

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