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Cheshire Police Alert – Door to door sales – be aware

3rd February 2020 @ 6:06am – by Tarvin Webteam
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We have had reports of door to door salesmen in the Upton and Frodsham area (with potential to move around the Chester area).

Please don't feel pressured into purchasing items and be aware of the following information -

Many legitimate businesses sell products door-to-door; gas, electricity and water companies need to visit to read your meters; and charities will often call seeking donations. But fraudsters may also knock on your door to part you from your money, or get into your home to steal from you.

Examples of door-to-door scams -

Most door-to-door scams involve selling goods or services that are either not delivered or are very poor quality. You won't get value for money and you may get billed for work you didn't want or agree to.

Some scammers conduct surveys just to get your personal details or as a cover to sell you goods or services you don't want or need, such as roofing work or patio replacement.

Unscrupulous employees sometimes still act illegally even when selling a genuine product by a genuine business. If someone knocks at your front door claiming to be from a company, first check their ID. If you're not happy, don't let them in.

Never call the phone number on their ID card to check them out. Ask the salesperson to wait outside, shut the door and find the company number on the internet. If they're genuine, they'll understand.

Please report any suspicious activity via 101 or 999 in an emergency. Or alternatively report via our website – https://www.cheshire.police.uk/.

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