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Cheshire Rural Police Update -October 2015

3rd November 2015 @ 6:06am – by Cheshire Constabulary
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Welcome to the October edition of the Chester Rural Police update.

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As always, I am trying to communicate with as many of our rural residents as possible with these updates and I am looking to increase our subscribers to Cheshire Alert, so please highlight the advantages of signing up to friends/relatives in the area. Also, (as I know many of you already do) please circulate the updates to those who don't have computer/e-mail access.

As well as the regular Cheshire Alert updates, please be aware of further rural information on the Chester Local Policing Unit twitter page (@PoliceChester) and the Cheshire Police website (www.cheshire.police.uk).

Chester Villages Ward

Over the past month, we have seen an increase in overnight theft from motor vehicle offences in the Guilden Sutton area. Offender(s) are targeting insecure vehicles. Patrols have increased in the local areas. Please ensure you are not the next victim by securing your vehicles and not leaving valuable items on show.
During the afternoon/evening of 29/10/15 there were two house burglary offences in the Waverton area. We have had similar offences in other rural locations. Please ensure you are vigilant and contact us with any sightings of suspicious persons/vehicles.

Frodsham Ward

Enthusiastic volunteers are still required to join the Community Speed Watch scheme in Frodsham. Officers are searching for a number of willing volunteers in the area to join the already established initiative. For further information please contact PCSO Neil Flanagan via email neil.flanagan@cheshire.pnn.police.uk
Over the past month there have been two incidents of theft in Frodsham town centre, whereby mobile phones have been taken from bags. Local officers are aware of this and will continue to provide a visible presence in the town. Please ensure you keep all valuables out of sight from potential offenders.
Over the past month there have been there have been two day time burglary offences in Main Street and Grassmere Road. Please ensure your properties are left locked and secure during the day to deter possible offenders.

Helsby Ward

We have had a number of reports of anti-social behaviour relating to fireworks in the Helsby Hill and Chester Road areas. PCSO Finchett is working with local shops to ensure that identification is requested when fireworks are being purchased. We have also increased patrols in the area under Operation Treacle, the Chester Halloween and Bonfire Night ASB initiative. Any individuals identified as being responsible will be dealt with robustly by our local officers and ASB unit.
Overnight on 25/10/15 an attempted burglary occurred at one of the business premises at Chester Road. Investigations are continuing and residents are encouraged to report any suspicious behaviour.

Kingsley Ward

Overnight between 19/20 October, two shed burglary offences occurred in Bent Lane, Crowton. Mountain bikes and tools were stolen and a silver/bronze coloured vehicle (possibly a Vauxhall Vectra) was sighted in suspicious circumstances. Please be vigilant and report any further suspicious incidents to police.

Gowy Ward

A daytime burglary occurred on Ardern Lea, Alvanley on 10th October. Please ensure that all doors and windows are secured during the day as there has been an increase in these type of offences this month.
Local PCSO Steve Edmonds has highlighted continued speeding in the Mouldsworth area. Please respect the speed limits. Roads Policing officers have been briefed and any people responsible will be dealt with robustly.

Tarvin and Kelsall Ward

Over the past few weeks a number of reports of anti-social behaviour were made by residents in Duddon. Police have significantly increased uniformed and plain clothed patrols in the area, which has led to a reduction in these calls. This type of behaviour is not acceptable and those responsible will be referred to our ASB Unit.
Two burglaries were reported on 28/10/15 on Side Lane between Tarvin and Tarporley. Offenders forced entry to the premises during the afternoon/evening time and stole a number of items. Please call us if you noticed anything suspicious in the area on that afternoon and remain vigilant.

Farndon Ward

Two outbuilding burglaries were reported during October, one occurring overnight between 02/10 and 03/10, the other overnight between 28/10 and 29/10. Mountain bikes and tools were stolen during these offences.
A vehicle was also broken in to at Carden Park Hotel on 17/10/15. Please ensure that valuables are not left in vehicles.

Tattenhall Ward

Overnight between 03/10 and 04/10 a burglary occurred at a local business on Whitchurch Road. Offenders stole tools during this offence. An outbuilding burglary occurred overnight between 10/10 and 11/10 in Broxton. A number of mountain bikes were stolen during this offence.
An attempted theft from motor vehicle offence occurred overnight between 30/10 and 31/10 on Newton lane, Newton. Please report any suspicious behaviour.

Kind Regards
Sgt Graeme Carvell
Chester Rural Beat Management Sergeant

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