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Chester Rural End of Month Update For August

7th September 2015 @ 6:06am – by Cheshire Constabulary
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Welcome to the first edition of the Chester Rural Police update. These reports, which will be circulated fortnightly (mid-month and end of month), will update you on crime/anti-social behaviour in your local areas, as well as highlighting what my staff are doing to support communities and target those responsible. The End of Month Updates will also highlight Chester Rural's three major priorities for the next month.
I am trying to communicate with as many of our rural residents as possible with these updates and I am looking to increase our subscribers to Cheshire Alert, so please highlight the advantages of signing up to friends/relatives in the area. Also, (as I know many of you already do) please circulate the updates to those who don't have computer/e-mail access.
As well as the regular Cheshire Alert updates, please be aware of further rural information on the Chester Local Policing Unit twitter page (@PoliceChester) and the Cheshire Police website (www.cheshire.police.uk).

Tarvin and Kelsall Ward
In early August, there were two burglary offences in the Tarvin area, where garages were entered and pedal cycles and scooters stolen. Investigations are ongoing but local residents are advised to be vigilant and report any suspicious activity.
There has been an increase in theft from motor vehicle offences in the Delamere Forest car parks over the past month. On 24/08/15, the car park machines were also attacked with cash stolen. Investigations are ongoing but if anyone has any information then please contact Cheshire Police.
There have been a number of reports over the past number of weeks relating to suspicious persons or vehicles in the Kelsall area. Patrols have been increased in the area, but residents are asked to continue to report any suspicious vehicles or persons.
There have been a number of reports of criminal damage and ASB in the Kelsall area, specifically along Dog Lane football fields. Local patrols are aware and monitoring the area. Persistent offenders will be dealt with robustly.

Monthly Priorities
The three monthly priorities for Chester Rural in September are:
Road Safety – Speeding and parking issues remain a major priority for our rural communities and we will continue to use preventative and enforceable methods to improve the safety on our roads.
Drug Use/Supply in Frodsham/Helsby- We have received a number of reports of possible drug use/dealing and will pro-actively target these offenders and reassure local communities
100 Days of Rural Crime – PCSO's and beat managers will partake in policing operations and attend rural events to champion this force wide operation, reassure communities and target those committing crime in rural areas.
In the September End of Month Update I will report on how we have actioned these monthly priorities.

Any feedback on this Monthly Update will be gratefully received.

Kind Regards

Sgt Graeme Carvell – Chester Rural Beat Management Sergeant

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