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Christian Unity Service

28th January 2019 @ 6:06am – by Tarvin Webteam
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A joint service for Christian Unity was held on Sunday 20th January at the Tarvin Methodist Church with St Andrews Church.

Rev'd Adam Friend took the service asking us as Christians from different Churches to pray for unity.

The service was very well attended and we were each asked to take a moment to consider, what step, however small, could we take to further God's justice in our broken world?

We then wrote our ideas onto a piece of card which we were given at the start of the service.The cards were then collected and we were asked to pick one up as we left the Church and try to follow the suggestion to help make a small change to our broken world and pray for the person who had written it.

The service was excellent and the feeling of love and friendship surrounded each and every one of us there.

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