Only withdraw as much cash as you need from cash machines and avoid carrying large amounts of cash. Put your money and cards away (not in your back pocket) safely before leaving the machine. Ideally pay with a debit/credit card wherever possible & always shield your PIN.
Deter pickpockets and muggers – try not to overburden yourself with bags/packages. Be extra careful with purses and wallets. Always carry a purse close to your body and not dangling by the straps. Put a wallet in an inside coat or front trouser pocket, likewise with your phone and keys. Try to keep one hand free.
Avoid becoming an easy target for post-Christmas burglars by not leaving boxes or packaging for new electronics and other expensive presents outside your house next to the wheelie bin. Break down any boxes you are throwing out and put them in rubbish bags and place them inside the wheelie bin.
If buying new bicycles for Christmas please remember to record and retain the full details of your new bicycle somewhere safe, Make, Model and frame number and buy and use a good quality lock.
Take Care on Social Media by not showing that you are somewhere else, or posting a countdown to a winter holiday which may indicate that your property may be empty.
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