Everyone has their own way of celebrating Christmas. For the Chapel, there are always special services – the "Carol Cafe" service on Sunday 22nd December and, of course, the very special Christmas morning service on December 25th. But Christmas should always include a party, too. Our social celebration of the festive season is "Christmas in the Parlour" – a re-creation of the style of Christmas celebrations of a bygone time, when families would come together to eat and then, since television, radio, video games and all the other modern means of entertainment didn't exist, they would assemble in the 'best room' and would entertain each other – with songs, party pieces and stories. We extend the warmest of welcomes to the people of Tarvin to come along and join us for such an evening.
This year, 'Christmas in the Parlour' will be held at 6.30 for 7.00pm on Monday 16th December at Tarvin Methodist Church – and all the family are welcome. We begin with one of our renowned hot meals (this year it will be roast gammon, with all the trimmings!), followed by pudding – with plenty to eat for everyone. The entertainment which follows is a light-hearted and fun-packed collection of readings, songs and carols. Special diets can be catered for (with advance notice). Tickets are £10 each and can be obtained from Tarvin Methodist Church or from Sybil Williams (01829 458963).
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