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Churches during the Pandemic

24th June 2020 @ 6:06am – by Adam Friend
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It has been a difficult and challenging few months for everyone in our Villages, County, Country and indeed the World. We all will have changed the many things we do and St Andrew's Church, Tarvin, and St Peter's Church, Duddon, are no exception.
Our churches have been closed for Public Worship for over 3 months now but we have been leading our services online through our Facebook Page (.
This has been a live streamed service at 10.30 am with it later that day being uploaded onto our YouTube channel (both Facebook and YouTube can be accessed through our website on www.tarvinparish.co.uk).
We have also introduced more recently a telephone number 01829 708989, from which you can hear the Sunday service (from Monday) in an audio format. None of this however compensates for not being together, but it enables us to hear the message and come together as a Church Community.

St Andrew's Church is now open for private individual prayer, which enables anyone who wants to come and pray in the church building to do so. We have precautions in place to keep the area clean and we also have a one-way system in place. We are open on a Wednesday 10.00 am – 12 noon and at other times by appointment with the Vicar on 01829 740354.

We are also able to hold funeral services in church, which have to follow strict government and church guidance but it means the building can be used if needed.

The Parish Room still remains closed and all groups which were using it are finding new ways to stay in touch before they can meet again.

As ever if anyone needs any support at this time, or you know someone who does, from shopping to prescription collections, or someone to chat to, then please call 01829 740354 and leave a message and someone will get back as soon as they can.

Be assured of our prayers for each and every one of you, God Bless and we hope to see you all soon.

Ed: this was written before the relaxation of the previous restrictions issued by the Government on Tuesday. Adam will be updating the arrangements within St. Andrews and St Peters based on these revised guidance

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