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Community Centre holds First Table Top Sale in Many Years

12th February 2018 @ 6:06am – by Tarvin Community Centre
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It is many years since the Community Centre held a Car Boot Sale/Table Top Sale and the event held on Sunday (Feb 11th) was slightly disappointing. While there were 15 tables booked and a wide range of items being offered for sale, there were insufficient buyers to make the event an unqualified success.

Chairman Alan Wilkinson said "I am disappointed that we were not able to generate enough people to come through the doors to buy. There was a steady stream of people at first, but this wasn't sustained. The Committee have talked to several the stallholders to get feedback and we will take their comments into account if we decide to have another one.

Some of the issues mentioned that might have affected the numbers were:

* the lack of information about the sale around the village.
* the freezing weather.
* the day, timing, either too early in the day – or too late.
* the rise of e-bay as a selling tool for second hand items, a system that was not in use when earlier sales were

Despite the low numbers there was a convivial atmosphere in the Hall, helped by some excellent bacon butties. As a gesture of good will to those who came along to sell, the Committee offered a refund to stall holders of half the booking fee.

Alan said "As we are novices in this type of event the Committee would be delighted to hear from anyone who would like to offer comments or advice. If we feel that there will be enough support then we will be happy to have another go, preferably when the weather is a bit warmer".

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