Based on the community feedback the views and aspirations are summarised as:-
- To respect the character of the local built environment , its history and surrounding natural landscape, and to seek to reinforce this character through quality design.
- Preserving intact the Green Belt. The preservation of the surrounding open countryside and ready access to it is of primary importance.
- Traffic congestion in the village and when driving towards Chester are key issues.
- Access to health services is a key issue.
- There is an aspiration for investment in community infrastructure for recreation.
- No new significant housing before 2030, and only then if a way of overcoming critical infrastructure deficiencies has been implemented in a way which meets community needs.
Observations on these aspirations and issues are:
- In resect of housing development the Steering Group considers proposed individual developments greater than 5 dwellings to be "significant"
- CWaC should invest in transport and leisure in the Plan area using the New Homes Bonus, 'Priority Outcomes' funds, the Community Infrastructure Levy and any Government grants available.
- Health England needs to improve access to health provision in the Plan area. This is a major concern given the age profile and increasing population of the Parish
As the target of a minimum 200 additional houses in the Tarvin area, set out in the Local Plan (part One) was reached in 2017 then no significant new house building needs to take place until after 2030.
As the future is uncertain the plan proposes safeguarding specified areas or promoting certain attributes designed to reflect the wishes of the community