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Consultation on Enforcement Policy

23rd February 2014 @ 6:06am – by Cheshire West and Chester Council
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Cheshire West and Chester Council is inviting views on the changes it is considering to the Council's Enforcement Policy.
The Enforcement Policy sets out the Council's general approach to enforcement, so that residents, organisations and visitors to the borough know what to expect. It also provides staff and contractors employed by the Council with a framework of general operating principles, to ensure consistency of approach.
Recognising the need to balance effective service delivery and the needs of the local community, we are keen to hear views on the overall policy and on two key issues, namely;

  • Issuing Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs) to juveniles as a means of dealing with low level offences such as dog fouling and littering, as an alternative to prosecution or simple caution (and strictly as a 'back stop' measure)
  • Introducing targeted, non-uniformed enforcement operations in areas where environmental crime (primarily dog fouling and littering) have been repeatedly reported by residents as problematic, and all other interventions have failed to solve the problem

The consultation can be accessed via the following link here and select Council Enforcement Policy

In addition to the online and paper versions of the consultation, there will be a series of focus group sessions with younger people and community groups.
All members of the public and interested parties are invited to share their views, which will be considered prior to a final decision being made in June 2014.

ED "If you are of the opinion that more should be done in Tarvin to prevent fouling by dogs or reduce litter then here is your opportunity to make suggestions."

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