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Could You Save a Life?

5th September 2015 @ 6:06am – by Tarvin Webteam
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In an article of the 31st July, Tarvinonline reported that a defibrillator, which the Parish Council purchased out of the New Home Bonus, had been installed just outside the entrance to the Community Centre.

Anyone can access the machine and it is specifically designed to be safely used by members of the general public. In reality most of us fervently hope that we will never to called upon to respond in a life or death situation, but if we were, most of us would hope that a call "is there a doctor in the house" would produce a positive response as it always seems to do in the films!

We all fear, however, that in reality this may not always be the case. In this instance, would you prefer to be reading the instructions for the first time on a defibrillator, or have had some previously training? Believing that for many people that latter would be far more preferable, arrangements have been made for free training on emergency life skills, including use of the new defibrillator, at the Tarvin Community Centre from 6 to 8pm on Monday 7th. September.

Currently, 11 people have signed up but another 10 to 12 people could easily be accommodated on the training course. So, if you are available, and would like to be trained to use the defibrillator, please contact Mike Hassall, Clerk to Tarvin Parish Council, as soon as possible on 01829 741075, or by e-mail at miketarvinparish@aol.com

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