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Covid-19 – Fake TV Licensing emails

18th May 2020 @ 6:06am – by Lisa Dunne
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Fake TV Licensing emails with a Covid-19 related hook have been appearing nationally.

Commonly, the emails claim that your direct debit has failed and that you need to pay in order to avoid prosecution, and often display a subject like "We couldn't process the latest payment from your Debit Card – COVID19 Personalised Offer: You are be eligible for a 1 x 6 months of free TVLicence" – with a link to set up a new direct debit on a website controlled by the criminals.

At the end of this email the fraudsters are also offering six months of free TV licence, if you click on a link to apply for the offer. The link goes to a sign-in page where you'e asked to complete an online application form, giving criminals an opportunity to steal email logins, passwords, and personal details.

If you're not sure about an email – DON'T click any links, and delete it

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