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Crime Commissioner's Blog -Jan 23rd

27th January 2015 @ 12:12pm – by Police and Crime Commissioner
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john dwyer

Posted: Friday 23rd January 2015
Blog: PCC Blog
This week it's been all hands to the pump as I've been considering the final proposals for the policing budget. I will be presenting the budget to the Police and Crime Panel on 6 Feb for their consideration. This is a matter I do not take lightly as I need to find the required £8m savings from Government, balance the books and secure enough funding to deal with emerging threats and enhance neighbourhood policing.

Part of the process to decide on the budget has included consultation about the policing precept, the amount of council tax you pay for policing. I asked people whether they would be willing to pay up to an extra 1.99% or £3 a year on an average Band D household to improve neighbourhood policing. Over 1,000 people took part in the survey and I want to thank everyone who took a few moments of their time to give me feedback. 70% of you said that you would be willing to pay extra for policing.

I held a meeting with representatives of business rate payers in Cheshire, and asked them what their thoughts were regarding a possible increase in council tax. They also agreed that they would be willing to pay up to an extra 1.99%.

This week hasn't just been budget orientated. I had the opportunity to attend a conference focused on tackling organised crime. The aim of the conference was to demonstrate how the police and partner agencies such as, local councils, housing trusts, Crown Prosecution Service, Probation, Immigration, and the health service can all work together to combat organised crime. I think it's important to deglamourise organised crime. During the conference we heard from various speakers about how to recognise the signs of organised crime and how we can help our communities by nipping the problem in the bud early.

More information about the conference can be found here

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