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Cycling and Walking in Cheshire West

22nd June 2020 @ 6:06am – by Tarvin Webteam
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We received the following from Roger Hones – a Tarvin resident.


"I have participated in the interactive process to suggest ideas for making cycling and walking easier and safer in Cheshire West. I am impressed with the way in which it collects and displays everybody's ideas. Tarvin is ideally placed at 6.2 miles from Chester to encourage more people to cycle for work and leisure if cycling is made easier and safer.

Tarvin is bounded by the A51 and A54. There is a Regional Cycle Route (No 71) which connects to Chester by crossing the A51 Tarvin By pass at Hockenhull Lane and then proceeds to Christleton where cyclists can join the Canal towpath into Chester. A more direct route is provided by a Shared User Path (SUP) which runs from Ashton through Tarvin alongside the A54 and then alongside the A51 to Littleton and on to Chester. The Greenway at Guilden Sutton can also be joined from this section of the SUP.

In most cases in order to access the cycle infrastructure from Tarvin and Oscroft it is necessary to cross the busy A51 or A54 to get on to the Regional Cycle Network route or to join the A54 SUP.

I have put together all my suggestions in the attached documentso that all of the suggested improvements can be viewed together for Tarvin Parish. None of the suggestions involves any great expense but all of the suggestions would make it easier and safer to cycle in and out of Tarvin Parish."

ED: Roger has forwarded this to Cheshire West. Do have a look at the suggestions in the link provided in the attached document- some great ideas for residents to follow up

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