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Delamere Forest – Planning application

21st July 2013 @ 6:06am – by Margaret Dixon
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Are villagers aware of the planning application 13/02700/FUL which will change Delamere Forest forever?

It starts with plans to rebuild the visitor centre BUT then goes on to apply for 78 holiday lodges in a different part of the forest which we know is well used by residents of Tarvin Parish. There would be vehicle access to these properties.
The group who are fighting this are called CADD. In addition to all the information on this CADD website there has been a lot of publicity about this proposal recently on other village websites and in the local papers.
If anyone wants more information about the impact this change will have on this wonderful amenity we have on our doorstep then contact us on the following email addresses:-
margaretandroy@btinternet.com or cresswell957@btinternet.com
Margaret Dixon & Bill Cresswell:

(Although Tarvinonline is dedicated to and involved with Tarvin Parish, the Editorial Team believe that because so many of our residents benefit from activities within Delamere Forest you may want to look further into CADD and their campaign -Ed.)

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