we have The Dragon Who Hates Poetry. This is a wonderful story-telling session , full of lyrics and laughs with a young poet, Dommy B who has just had a successful few weeks at the Edinburgh Festival
There is no dragon scarier in any earthly place. His face looks like his bottom and his bottom like his face. Armed with only a pen and paper, Dommy B needs your help to bring this fearful dragon's reign to an end.
Aimed at roughly 5- 10 year olds it should appeal to any youngster who likes joining in and likes laughing a lot. Tickets are £3 for the under 12's and £5 for their grown-ups. The performance is in two parts, one of 50 minutes and one of 30 minutes and there will be suitable refreshments during the interval.
DommyB sounds like a delightful young man on the phone, and I am sure everyone will have a very enjoyable time. Tickets are from the Post Office or 01829 741962/740868 and, although they will be available on the door, if I have a good idea of how many will be coming it does reduce my stress levels!
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