An extremely tight finish to the final of the Village Quiz on Friday saw newcomers, The Railway, beat Tarvin Methodist Church by 28 points to 27. This followed a number of high-scoring rounds with 2 or 3 points often being the winning margin in most matches.
In Village Quiz tradition, Stuart McNeil, ' Mac', chaired the event with his usual good humour. He was ably assisted by Ellie Jones as timekeeper, while the scorer's position was occupied by a number of volunteers who stepped forward on the two evenings. As usual, Margaret Dixon was responsible, with others, for the questions which were all very hard indeed – unless you knew the answer!
The Railway team are based at a pub of the same name in Helsby and until recently were regulars in the Chester Quiz League. They had been disbanded for a while but, on hearing from Tarvin friends about the Village Quiz, decided to reform and join in. The team consists of David Latham, Dudley Sawyer, Jane Smith and Les Jackson and they expressed a wish to come back and defend their title next year. They will be a hard team to beat.
With door money, entrance fees, two well-supported raffles and the bar, the Village Quiz raised over £700 the Community Centre coffers. The Committee would like to thank all those who made the two evenings such a success. See you again in January 2021
PS For those of you who love a good quiz, The George Heath Foundation is having a quiz at the Community centre on Friday 13th March at 7.30pm, £2.50 per team member – 6 to a team. It's a Table Quiz so no scary walk to the stage! Contact 07761 799274 for details
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