Nowadays all you hear on TV is how this or that organisation (usually the NHS) is failing to meet its targets. Well, albeit on a smaller scale, TarvinOnline has its own targets. A key target is to publish at least 1 article by 6am every day except on major Bank Holidays.
I am holding my hand up that this week the presses failed to meet the timetable until late morning due to a major power failure at one of the Editors' houses rending all communication ( including phones) useless. That's not a bad record as the first time in 4 1/2 years I would humbly argue.
Since we usually get about 50 logins before 8am I wonder what everyone did that day ( curse or bless the website?) As we are about to go on hols for a couple of weeks to escape likely freezing February weather and we had no hot water or CH, resolution of the outage took priority over a story.
A mixed blessing I guess for some but one we will not try to repeat for at least another 4 years. However the "London Bus" syndrome lurks in my mind as we will be "single legging" on the Editor front for a bit so do help and send some articles in please to reduce the workload on the remaining editorial brain.
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