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Fake designer goods

20th July 2015 @ 6:06am – by Tarvin Webteam
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People looking for a cheap designer bargain online are being targeted by fraudsters advertising fake designer goods. The items received are usually cheap and inferior counterfeits of handbags, clothes and sunglasses amongst other things.


The general rule is 'if it looks too good to be true then it probably is.' Designer products sold at heavily discounted prices are an immediate sign that something isn't quite right.

What can you do to protect yourself? Where possible, buy from well-known, High Street retailers. If you've never heard of a firm, or it is based overseas, be sceptical.

Avoid paying by cheque or bank transfer. Use PayPal or a credit card as they will give you additional protection.
Search the internet. Type the website you are buying from and look for reviews of what others customers are saying about the company. Bad customer service feedback usually finds their way online quite quickly.
Check for spelling mistakes or poor grammar on websites as this may suggest the website has been put together by a fraudster.

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