Latest News on the Village Fete
The children at Tarvin Primary school were very excited when they filed into their Assembly on Tuesday 16th January. This was the day when the Fete King and Queen, together with all their attendants were going to be selected. During last term, we had invited all the children to take part in a draw to select our next Fete King and Queen and this was the day of the Draw!
We selected a Fete King and Queen, five Princes and five Princesses and the same number of Fete Lords and Ladies and we are pleased to announce that our Fete Queen 2014 will be Leah Barnham and her King will be Fletcher Harvey-Hunt
The 'royal' family, together with their attendants will form a grand procession which will precede the Fete. Look out for more details about the procession in the next report.
Jo Richards (Fete Organiser)
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